Frequently Asked Questions

I am unable to sign in to my ParkDot account.

Last update 25.07.2022

Please make sure you are using the correct login information, i.e., a combination of the login name in the form of the email address and password you chose when you registered. If you do not remember your password, use the reset function (forgotten password). If the password reset function is not offered by the mobile app, please try using the password reset function when logging in to the parking permit web application

If you are unable to log in to the ParkDots mobile application, please try logging in from your profile instead of logging in from the home screen.

  1. On the Home screen, click the “I don’t have an account” button
  2. On the registration screen, click the “Skip Registration” button
  3. In the application, go to the Profile section (bottom right) and click the “Login” option


In case of persistent problems with logging into your account, please contact us at from the email address you used to register.