
User Profile

Last update 30.08.2022

Úvodná strana v profile používateľa s tagom číslo 1

Ponuka v profile používateľa

When the user logs in, they can access their profile by clicking their name in the header at the top right of the page.
From here they will be able to input the necessary data and manage their applications and permits.

Basic Information

If the user is not yet verified, they can enter their first name, last name and phone number here. The email cannot be changed as it is used to log in to all ParkDots applications.

If the user is interested in entering the application through the point of contact because of user verification, there is also an option to enter a birth number.

In the case of a verified user, their details have been retrieved from the Register of Natural Persons and therefore they no longer have the option to make changes to their profile. The only information they can add or modify is the telephone number. The user is notified of a verified profile by the text displayed.

Zakladne informácie v profile s tagom číslo 3

Password Change

The password can be changed by entering the original password, entering a new password and then confirming the new password. If the user mistypes the current “Original Password” or makes a mistake in confirming the “New Password”, the system will alert the user and will not allow them to perform the Save Changes action. The length of the password is checked and must be at least 8 characters. The user can view the password by pressing the icon at the end of the line. If the user meets all the conditions, the system will change the password. After changing their password, the user will remain logged in, but will have to enter the new password the next time they log in. The password will be changed for all ParkDots applications.

Zmena hesla v profile

Profile of Vehicles

In the Profile of Vehicles, the user can add a vehicle that they use for parking – they can buy parking tickets for it or create parking permits.

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The user can add a new vehicle using the Add New Vehicle action. A window opens into which the user enters the vehicle registration number and a description of the vehicle. After filling in the necessary fields, the user saves the vehicle using the Save Vehicle action.
The user can edit the saved vehicle by selecting the pencil icon in the vehicle details. The user can delete a vehicle by selecting the trash can icon in the vehicle details. When deleting a vehicle, the system will ask the user if they really want to delete the selected vehicle. If the vehicle is marked as default, this vehicle will be automatically pre-populated when purchasing a ticket via the ParkDots application. The user can edit the saved vehicle by selecting the pencil icon in the vehicle details.

Payment Profile

This section is used to enter payment cards that will be used when paying for parking tickets or parking permits. If they are saved in the profile, the user does not need to enter them for each payment.

Platobny profil s tagmi číslo 5 a 6

To delete a payment card, the user presses the Recycle Bin in the card details. The system will ask if the user really wants to delete the selected card.
A new card can be added using the Add Card action.

The action opens a bank window into which the user enters the necessary data. The bank only reserves the amount for the deposit of € 0.01, and it will be returned back to the user’s account within a few minutes after entering the card.


Payment action.

Applications and Permits

In this section, the user can view all their applications and permits. The view always shows 2 permits and 2 applications. In case the user has more applications or permits, they can load them with the action Expand More for both the “Applications” and the “Parking Permits” sections.

In the Applications section, only applications that are being processed are displayed – they have the status “For approval”, “Waiting for payment”, “Waiting for rework”. If the application is already completed – i.e., created, approved and paid – its status will be changed to “Issued”.

An “Issued” application can not be found in the profile because it already exists as a parking permit, which the user can find in the “Parking Permits” section.

Žiadosti a karty v profile s tagmi číslo 8, 9, 10 a 11

Creating a new application for a parking permit.

The “Expand More” action to load other applications and parking permits.


A description of paying and reworking an application will be described under Paying for a Permit Application and Reworking a Permit Application.

Display the application details by clicking Application Details in the mini detail. This will open a summary of the basic information about the application, from where the user can also perform the appropriate action corresponding to the current status of the application.
The relevant action corresponding to the current status of the application – Pay or Rework etc.

Parking Permits

All of the user’s currently valid parking permits are located here. In the basic view, 2 permits are displayed; if the user has more permits, they can be displayed with the Expand More action (similarly as with applications, see No. 8).

If a parking permit is set to become valid in the future, it can also be seen among the applications of the “Verified” status – they are waiting for the date from which they will begin to be valid. These permits will automatically change their status to “Valid” on the date specified.


In the permit details the user can find more detailed information about the permit and also find a proof of payment. The user can download the proof of permit payment (pdf) by clicking the Tax Document action.

For the “Návštevnícka a bonusová karta” (visitor and bonus permit), the credit balance is displayed in HH:MM format in the mini detail and in the permit details.