
Application for a Resident Permit

Last update 30.08.2022

On the homepage, the user has selected the creation of a new application for the Capital City of Bratislava. Only those whose permanent residence is in a zone for which a resident permit can be issued are eligible for a resident permit.

To confirm the completion, click Continue.

Výber karty s tagmi číslo 1, 2, 3 a 4

In the Parking Permit Type section, select “Rezidentská karta” (Resident Permit).
The Parking Permit User and Residential Zone fields cannot be changed, they are pre-populated automatically.
The validity period of the permit can be selected from 3 options – 1 year, 6 months and 3 months.
You can set the start date of the parking permit to the desired date – later than the current date (starting tomorrow).

You will get to the “Applicant” screen. Vehicle data should be filled in at the top of the screen. If a vehicle has already been saved in your profile, it can be selected. If not, just enter the vehicle registration number. Select the relationship to the vehicle or check the option Foreign Vehicle.

In the Applicant section, the user can fill in the phone number and the relationship to the property, the rest of the data is pre-populated and cannot be changed by the user. If some of the data is not filled in, this does not prevent the sending of the application, however the user will have to add the missing data by adding attachments in the Attachments section, as the system will not allow the application to be finished without manually adding them.

Informácie o žiadateľovi s tagom číslo 5

Consents that the user must mark in order to continue. Data that is not mandatory for the application is marked as optional; the other data must be entered if the system allows it. The Back action returns the user to the previous screen “Permit Selection”.

Clicking Continue will take the user to the “Attachments” section. Here the system will notify the user of the attachments required for the application to be approved. If the system evaluates that no attachments need to be added, the user will be presented with a notification and the Finish action will become clickable.

If the system assesses the need for attachments, the user will insert the necessary attachments either by clicking on the link and then selecting the file from the device or by dragging and dropping the file from the computer into the indicated box.

Špecifikovanie nahratých príloh modál s tagom číslo 6

Once the attachments have been uploaded, the user is presented with a window where it is necessary to specify the file type by selecting one or more options.

Stránka pre nahrávanie príloh s tagmi s číslom 7 a 8

The pencil icon indicates the option to edit the attachment and the recycle bin icon indicates the option to delete the attachment.
Once the attachments have been saved, the user enters the explanation text and then click Finish to complete the application. By clicking Back, the user returns to the previous step.

Dokončenie žiadosti s tagom číslo 9

After “Finishing”, a summary of the basic data in the application will be displayed. The user has the option to return to the home page by clicking on Go to Overview of Applications and Permits.

Zoznam žiadostí s tagom číslo 10

A successfully submitted application will be displayed to the user immediately on the homepage or in the profile in the Applications and Parking Permits section. The user has the option to open its details.

If the system has assessed that verification of the attached documents is required, the status of the application will change to “For approval”. If verification is not necessary, the status of the application will be changed automatically to “Waiting for payment”. It will remain in this status until the user has paid for it (see more in the Paying for a Parking Permit section).