After purchasing / issuing a ticket, one can terminate the ongoing parking in zones in Bratislava and in Košice before the ticket’s validity expires. Zones, where ticket termination is allowed are marked with a notice about the possibility of shortening parking in the ticket purchase detail. After purchasing/issuing a ticket, a screen displaying the successful …
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Buying a ticket in advance (at a time when the parking is free of charge)
If you want to buy a ticket at a time when the zone is out of regulation (the charging time has not yet occurred), follow the same procedure as for buying a ticket: Press the Buy Ticket action above the zone you are parking in. The system will alert you that the zone is in …
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Paying a ticket in a car park with a barrier (garage)
Locate the car park on the map or go to the Parking Tickets section. Press Pay Ticket and find the car park where you parked your car and for which a ticket was issued. The system will display a screen to enable camera use if you have not already set that permission. Once the permission …
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Issuing a parking ticket using a bonus card
1. Select the parking section by the 4-digit code listed on the board in the regulated area where you are parking. Press the Buy Ticket button and enter your vehicle registration number. 2. The system will recognise that you are parking with the vehicle registration number for which you have a bonus card issued. 3. …
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How can I issue a ticket on a Visitor Permit as a logged in permit holder?
Make sure you are logged in to the ParkDots mobile app (the procedure for a non-logged in user can be found here). Select the parking section according to the 4-digit code listed on the board in the regulated area where the visitor is parking. Press the Buy Ticket button and enter the visitor’s vehicle registration …
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How can I issue a ticket on a Visitor Permit as a non-logged-in user?
You are in the ParkDots mobile app as a non-logged-in user (the procedure for a logged-in user can be found here). Make sure you have the QR code from the Visitor Permit holder (see below for instructions on how to access it) Select the parking section according to the 4-digit code listed on the board …
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Why can’t I use my Bonus Permit even if it is valid?
You are parking in a regulated zone and the system only offers you the option to pay for a parking ticket and does not offer the Bonus Permit. How can you check if this is an error? Check that the regulated zone you are in is not marked in red on the map. The Bonus …
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How can I choose a parking time shorter than 30 minutes?
When selecting the parking duration, you can choose from the predefined options offered by the app (30 min, 1 hr, 2 hrs, etc…) or enter or overwrite the exact parking duration. For a chargeable ticket, the minimum duration of the ticket is 30 minutes according to the current regulations. When using a “Bonusová karta” (bonus …
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How to avoid parking fines or towing in PAAS Bratislava zones?
Please check that the selected parking section is correct in the application against the four-digit code that can be found on the information board in the regulated zone. This code must be the same, otherwise the ticket for the given area is invalid. The parking ticket is electronic and linked to the vehicle registration number …
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Why can’t I extend my parking ticket (with a visitor permit)?
The PAAS Bratislava system does not currently allow an extension of the ticket purchased with the Visitor Parking Permit. This is not an error of the ParkDots application. If you need to purchase a follow-up ticket, you need to purchase it after the original ticket has expired.