Frequently Asked Questions

Ticket Purchase

How can I issue a ticket on a Visitor Permit as a logged in permit holder?

Last update 24.06.2024
  1. Make sure you are logged in to the ParkDots mobile app (the procedure for a non-logged in user can be found here).
  2. Select the parking section according to the 4-digit code listed on the board in the regulated area where the visitor is parking. Press the Buy Ticket button and enter the visitor’s vehicle registration number.
  3. If the Buy Ticket screen shows that the selected time period is not within the chargeable period but the visitor will be parking for a period beyond the non-chargeable period, press Parking Duration To. Set the time until which the visitor will park and confirm the parking duration. The system will calculate the amount because the “Návštevnícka karta” (Visitor Permit) has not yet been used.   
  4. Check the vehicle registration number, the system will then use the “Návštevnícka karta” (Visitor Permit) as the payment method. Swipe the slider to issue the ticket and then check that it has been issued successfully.

In case of any questions or uncertainties, please do not hesitate to contact us at, we will be happy to help.