How can I temporarily change the vehicle registration number on my parking permit?
Last update 06.03.2024
Temporary change of the vehicle registration number on a parking permit (residential, abonent, bonus card, etc.) is possible in the PAAS Bratislava system up to four times a year for a total of 21 days without giving a reason (limit is applied for each card separately). The following procedure describes how you can do it:
- Open the ParkDots Permits web application and log in using your login name (email) and password. Once logged in, open the detail of the particular parking permit.
- Press the action “Temporarily change the vehicle registration number.”
- Fill in the required information on the form.
- Once the change is made, the original parking permit will be temporarily invalidated and a new valid parking permit will be created for the new vehicle registration number.
- You may extend or terminate the change as needed.
- When the change expires, the temporarily invalidated (original) parking permit will automatically be reset as a valid one.
Please note, that it is required to do the change for each parking card separately.